A Project Spaces Halloween


October 26, 2019
9:00 pm
20 Camden Street, Suite 200

The Bates Motel cordially invites you to celebrate the Grand Opening of our new flagship location at Project Spaces Camden Street in downtown Toronto!

Due to some... err... complications with our previous location in Fairvale, California mother and I have been forced to uproot. And believe me, mother is no easy travel companion. So fussy.

But fear not, loyal customers!

To mark this occasion, the staff at the Bates Motel have put together a halloween soirée worthy of mother's approval (something I so desperately crave).

Your ticket includes delicious beer from our friends at Red Thread Brewing Co (BYOB-friendly as well), plus heaps of candy, spooky vibes, terrifying decor, and a live DJ cranking out all the heavy halloween tunes your still-beating heart desires.

We'll be welcoming visitors from all corners of your wildest imagination, so join us for a night you won't soon survive... FORGET, forget... ugh every time.

Prizes will be awarded for best costumes. Space is limited.

See you there...


P.S. To avoid extra fees, you can grab your tickets by sending an etransfer to halloween@projectspac.es - be sure to include the full names and email addresses of your guests in the description so we can send them their tickets!