CAMDEN STREETCome out for an afternoon of swapping and socializing all while doing good for the environment and our community!
This event stems from our desire to reduce the wasteful and harmful effects of fast fashion, make sustainable fashion more accessible, and shed some light on why this is so important.
Here are some not-so-fun facts:
• The fast fashion industry is the #2 largest polluter in the world, second only to oil, and is responsible for approximately 5% of global emissions, which is even more than what is contributed by air travel AND international shipping.
• Over the past 2 decades, the amount of clothes the average person purchases has doubled
• Even when we donate clothing, the items don’t always end up where we think. Many of our items are sold to second-hand retailers in developing countries who often have issues reselling them. These unsold items end up in landfills in these developing countries, which may lack the means necessary to properly deal with the growing amounts of waste.
• Textiles are one of the top rising sources of global waste, with 85% of our unwanted clothes winding up in landfills (approximately 25 billion tons per year in North America). Many fabrics and dyes commonly used today do not biodegrade, and end up leaching into and contaminating water and soil.
• Not to mention the poor working conditions and low wages of the people who produce these items.
Bottom line: The rate at which our current society produces, purchases, and throws away clothing comes at high social and environmental costs, which are not sustainable without serious, irreparable consequences. (more information hereundefined)
BUT we can help by coming together with our unwanted items, shopping from each others’ closets, and making sure that our donated items end up in the right hands.
Please bring 10-15 gently used items you no longer wear and your own reusable bag. We have decided to donate any items leftover, as well as proceeds from the event to Sistering. You are also more than welcome to take back any of your items that are left at the end.
Accessibility info: The venue is up 4 flights of stairs, with an available freight elevator for those who require it. There are washrooms on the same floor as the venue. Venue does not have automatic doors. For more info about accessibility, please contact Neil at n@projectspac.es